In the year 1990, first house in India was purchased in Bangalore and the house was named as Tagaste Nivas, named after the birth place of St. Augustine, our patron saint. Tagaste Nivas became a Delegation house in the year 1996. It was also a study house for the Junior sisters. The sisters who lived here were involved in the pastoral activities, social work, teaching and studies.
The first Augustinian Lay fraternity group was started in Tagaste Nivas, on 4th December 2004.
In the year 2014, it became a Provincial house of the Province of Our Lady of Consolation. The provincial team, the student sisters, sisters who involved in teaching and social work resided here. On 23rd October 2020, Tagaste Nivas was converted into the Novitiate house.
This community was established in 1994. It was established as the community of formation and dedication that forms the lives of many of our formees in accordance with our charisma and receives the sisters with the sense of hospitality and open hearts and provides proper facilities for the special events such as profession, retreats, recollections, juniors meetings, ongoing formation programs, chapters and special gatherings. The pioneer sisters who served this community’s various need generously were: Srs. Ivone Colombo, Elena Martinez, Cecilia Diez, Selvarani Joseph.
In 2015, we have started a school (St. Augustine School) to give the best and wholistic education to the children. The sisters involve in the educational activities in our school and we also involve in the parish activities, family visiting, catechism.
St. Augustine Bhavan Community was established on 5th May 1995 with five Srs. Asuncion Vegas, Mary Rachel Tobias, Lintal Babian, Nirmala Arichalil and Daisy Masilamani. The community is situated in Onnalvadi village, Hosur Talk, Krishnagiri (Dt), Tamilnadu.
The sisters of the community are involved in teaching in St Augustine Matric. Higher Secondary School. We also run a social centre called St. Monica Sevai Illam through this center, we conduct different courses to empower the poor women and the drop out girls of our society. The courses are - Tailoring, Computer Classes, Spoken English and Beautician. Evening Tuition - we have organized free evening tuition for the poor and Government School students of different villages.
Sisters are actively involved in different activities of the Church, such as – Sacristy, Choir, Catechism, Legion of Mary, Vincent de Paul and Sagaya Matha Youth Group. We also have an Augustinian Lay Fraternity.
Sisters arrived in 2003 at Chikodi, Belgaum and on 9th May 2004 establised Jyothi Nilaya community. The pioneers of this mission were Sr Sahaya Mary Lazar , Sr Nirmala Archalil and Sr Celine John.
Our sisters are involved in the field of education and with the diocese working in the social work in Belgaum Diocese Social Service Society (BDSSS)
We too help in the parish activities involving in sacristy work and visiting the families and the sick and counseling them when they are in need.
We started the mission at Narasannapeta, Andhra Pradesh, in collaboration with the Claretian Missionary Fathers in the year 2006. Sr. Litdal Fabian, Sr.Nirmala A.C and Sr. Elizabeth Rani (Rajam), the pioneers of this mission were welcomed by Fr. Jose Kattathu CMF, the Superior of Claret Bhavan Community Narasannapeta. As the mission started in the field of Education, we collaborate by imparting the gospel values and moral values in the lives of the children in St. Claret school. We also pay more attention to the students with low proficiency in academics.
The sisters also actively participate in the parish Infant Jesus Church's activities like singing, taking catechism , visiting the sick, making family visit, participating in the carols and preparing the adults for the sacrament of communion, confirmation and marriage.
Rita Illam community began officially in the land of Dharmapuri, in Tamil Nadu on 30th May 2007. The pioneer sisters were three - Sr. Theresa, Sr. Kulandai and Sr. Nalini.
On agreement basis the Salesians of Don Bosco requested the Augustinian Missionary Sisters to take care of the apostolic works at Don Bosco Mission, in Dharmapuri. ( to look after the social sector of the Mission (Vazhikaatti – career guidance and job placement, Surabi – Self Help Groups, Dropout prevention programme – Evening Study centres, Prison ministry, Gypsy Ministry and other social based programmes taken up by the mission). To teach in the Don Bosco College and to help out in the college office.
Later we on 28th of June we shifted our community from Senthilnagar, Dharmapuri to the new place near Palacode, IVDP Computer Academy, Hanum anthapuram, Dharmapuri Dt. With the same name as St. Rita Illam Community. Here we work with IVDP (Inter village Development programme), where we work with the school drop outs teaching them computer and english and help them with the job placement. The students are different in age and qualification (9th, 10th pass and fail, 12th pass and fail, degree, and diploma students).
We took up our mission as a educators along with parish activity (Liturgy, Catechism, Legion of Mary, animating the youth group. We too participate in Basic Christian Community (BCC) meetings and join for the Eucharistic Celebration.
The Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel, Province of North East India, invited us to collaborate in the task of sharing their mission and service to the children in the school. The community was established on 5th February 2011.
The sisters work in collaborating in the school (Montfort Secondary School) in the Education Ministry and also the pastoral ministry: Visiting families, sick people, praying Rosary with neighboring families and Catechism for the children.
The inauguration of St. Monica Study House took place on 24th of June 2007. The purpose was to offer a residence to young student girls coming to Bangalore, whose parents wanted them to be in safe conditions. Offering this service we aim to help the girls in their integral process of growing in christian and moral values for their lives. The sisters accompany the hostel girls and provide them the possibilities in every walk of their life so that they may grow gradually the values of respect, faith, prayer, self-confidence, courage, discipline, responsibility, healthy relationship and the importance and values of their own life in the society.
The activities of the community apart from the hostel service are the following:
Parish activities:
Catechism classes for children receiving first holy communion and confirmation, Adult catechism for baptism, holy communion and confirmation, Marriage counselling classes, Communion to the sick, Communion ministers, Parish council member.
Community Apostolate:
Hostel, Teaching in college, Augustinian Lay Fraternity, Family Rosary every Saturday, Family visit
This community was started to respond to the invitation of the Claretian Missionary Fathers from Chennai Province to collaborate with them in their mission in Thiruninravur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The community was formed by four sisters, namely Sisters Sahaya Mary Lazar, Elsy, Pushpa and Shahila.
This community is collaborating in Education and Parish activities of the Claretian fathers more actively and with greater commitment and dedication. We give education to grow in human dignity and have peace and harmony with the planet and how to take care of our common home.
In the Parish, there are around 350 families. We visit the families. We also participate in BCC (Basic Christian Community), Liturgy group, Parish Council, Catechism, animating altar boys and ‘Yesivin kanmanigal’, Choir group and also participate to arrange and decorate altar and flowers. Also the community involves in all the pious activities of the parishners, especially praying Rosary with them and reciting 1000 beads rosary on every second Saturday of the month.
The Community of Augustine Seva Nilaya was formed in the year 2016 in Bellandur Gate, Bangalore. The Pioneering sisters who started this community were Srs. Sahaya Mary, Theresa Paneer Selvam and Angela Mary Anthony Swamy.
This mission was established to collaborate with National Domestic Workers Movement. Our main work is to fight for the Rights of Domestic Workers from the government and from the employees. We empower the domestic workers by unionizing them under Bangalore Domestic Workers Trade Union, which is registered under Karnataka Workers Unions Act -1926, and Karnataka Workers Regulation Act - 1958.
In our Union there 3000 domestic workers among them 2000 workers are registered under Unorganized Social Security Board.
We arrange with the domestic workers regular meetings, rallies, protests, campaigns, meeting with Governmental departments, officials, press conferences, public hearings, etc... on different occasions. We try to get for them benefits through Social Welfare Boards and other schemes. We train them for self employment by granting them small funds, give them skill training and health education etc. We 3 sisters, and 2 lay staff, cover up 48 slums and 23 villages of Bangalore.
House No: 127 in Koramangala was made into a novitiate community in 2017 and was called Shanthi Bhavan.
After two years, the community retains its name but not as the novitiate, since the novitiate was shifted to the neighbouring community Tagaste Nivas.
The sisters who are part of this community are involved in the field of education. They teach in Christ School in collaboration with Carmelite Missionaries of India (CMI).