Out of the darkness, Christ shows his light to the world. His resurrection changes the history of salvation and gives our suffering purpose. We have the freedom to live our lives as God intended and experience real joy and happiness. Even when we are buried in our sorrows, we can hold onto the hope that eternal joy is coming and God shall comfort us in our sufferings.
Easter reminds us that nothing of faith makes sense unless Jesus is at the centre of everything we do and are. By his sharing of himself in the holy Eucharist, we are drawn into a deeper friendship with him. Invited into his life, death, and resurrection, we are commissioned to be a sign of
his resurrection to our world. It is here we are given the courage to walk with others, from the darkness of unknowing and confusion, into the light God offers us. Mary Magdalene, Simon Peter and the beloved disciple saw the tomb—it was empty of the Body of Jesus. Into this emptiness, God gave life. Instead of sorrow, God made their joy overflow. Meeting them in the experience of a life darkened by death and loss, the risen One gave them his saving presence and his love.
Easter is not just one Sunday. Easter is a way of life. It is a life where Christ is always at the center lifting us from the things that keep us in the grave and do not allow us to experience the life that God intends for us.
May we continue to experience what a relationship with GOD is all about as we celebrate the new life that comes from the Risen Lord Jesus.